News & Articles By Frances Bloomfield
By Frances Bloomfield
Extra-virgin oil may hold the key to preventing the Alzheimer’s disease, exciting new research discovers
According to new research, consumption of extra-virgin olive oil may reduce the likelihood of developing Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The researchers behind the study, which was published in Annals of Clinical and Transitional Neurology, singled out this key component of the Mediterranean diet as an effective preventative measure against the neurological disease. Led by Dr. Domenico Praticò, […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Poor memory? You may have vitamin B12 deficiency
If you’ve been struggling with your memory, you could be suffering from a vitamin B12 deficiency. Such was the case with Cornish singer and songwriter Suzie Mac, who was an up-and-coming star a little over a year ago. Nowadays, she struggles with weak limbs, overwhelming exhaustion, and a memory that deteriorated to the point where […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Doctors recommend plant-based diets for better health
Forget popping pills: Physicians have begun recommending vegetables and fruits to their patients. From the American Cancer Society to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, medical groups and doctors alike are now touting plant-based diets as the pathway towards improved overall health, reported And quite frankly, it’s about time. The fact is that embracing […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Drink up: The risks of full-fat milk are MYTH
Lovers of full-fat milk rejoice: Your dairy drink of choice is no longer the so-called “worst” variety of milk on the market. What was once maligned for supposedly contributing to weight gain and heart disease has since been redeemed by numerous health studies. According to the, the warnings against full-fat milk could, in fact, […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Here’s what dandelion roots can do for you: Digestion, blood flow, eyesight and more
If you’ve been pulling up and tossing aside dandelions, stop. You’re basically throwing away one of nature’s greatest gifts to human health. This humble plant has rightfully earned its place in traditional Chinese and Arabic medicine thanks to its ability to stimulate and cleanse the body. And according to, dandelion roots can do all […]
By Frances Bloomfield
16 Reasons to eat cantaloupe this summer
Cantaloupes aren’t a fruit typically associated with health, which is a shame. These sweet, succulent melons are absolutely loaded with nutrients and antioxidants, yet contain very few calories. A generous helping of cantaloupes a day is enough to fill the body with vitamins A and C, potassium, fiber, and much more. Cantaloupes can lead to […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Researchers find that an egg a day can increase growth in young children
Adults aren’t the only ones who can benefit from eggs: Babies can as well. Researchers from Washington University in St. Louis found that giving a child an egg a day greatly reduces their chances of becoming stunted or underweight. Moreover, babies as young as six months can benefit greatly from consuming an egg daily. For […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Cannabis phytochemicals found to be effective in destroying leukemia cells
Researchers from St. George’s, University of London have confirmed that cannabinoids are effective in destroying the cells of leukemia, a cancer of blood-forming organs. When used in conjunction with chemotherapy treatments, cannabinoids, the active chemicals in cannabis, results against the blood cancer cells improved significantly. The new findings, which have been published in the International […]
By Frances Bloomfield
The power of trace minerals: How tiny elements can do so much for the human body
Ask yourself this: Are you getting enough trace minerals? If the word “trace” didn’t precede “minerals”, then you might be more self-assured in your answer. But the word is there for a reason: trace minerals refer to vital minerals that are needed in small amounts. These elements are absolutely vital to the upkeep of our […]
By Frances Bloomfield
How to make a delicious detox cleanse using maple syrup
Look up “detoxifying drinks” and you’ll find a great number of recipes across the Internet. A cursory glance through a search engine will bring up dozens of recipes for you to look through and try. Read enough of them, however, and they all start looking identical. A detoxifying drink that is anything but the usual […]
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