News & Articles By Zoey Sky
By Zoey Sky
People are confused by contradictory messages regarding food and health: Shifting attitudes are changing the food market
While there are those who claim that consumers aren’t making a conscious effort to have healthier lifestyles, a study has determined that this could actually be caused by conflicting data about food and nutrition. If you’re like other consumers, you’ve probably Googled the answers to your questions about health and nutrition. But we don’t always […]
By Zoey Sky
Magnesium is an essential nutrient for bone health
Disability among the elderly is often caused by bone fracture linked to osteoporosis. But while many people know that calcium and vitamin D can help maintain bone health throughout old age, researchers shared that “the role and health benefits of magnesium supplementation” could also boost bone health. While scientists have already determined that magnesium is a […]
By Zoey Sky
Eat these foods to look younger (and feel great!)
This might seem strange, but an unhealthy diet could be the culprit behind signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles on the face. The skin relies on two proteins, namely collagen and elastin, to maintain its firmness and elasticity. As people grow older, the body produces less collagen and elastin, causing the signs of skin aging. […]
By Zoey Sky
Chop your own vegetables: Cutting them just before eating releases enzymes that aid digestion
We all know that vegetables are good for our health, but did you know that there’s a way to boost the nutrients in leafy greens? According to Carly Feigan, a nutritionist based in New York and owner of Head to Health, “chopping vegetables before eating them boosts their nutrients.” Blending and pureeing might destroy the fiber in fruits […]
By Zoey Sky
Reduce your risk of breast cancer by 21% by simply eating one more serving of veggies a day
According to research, eating more vegetables daily can help lower your risk of developing breast cancer by as much as 21 percent. The paper, which was published in the European Journal of Cancer, analyzed various studies via meta-analysis to confirm if women who followed diets high in fruit and vegetables did have a lower risk of developing […]
By Zoey Sky
Caring for your bones: Prevent breaks by exercising and taking in more calcium and vitamin D
While injuries are unavoidable, this doesn’t mean that you can’t take measures to prevent them. As a prepper, you can’t afford to get injured because it can severely affect your mobility. Before SHTF, you can minimize the chance of getting into accidents and suffering from fractures/broken bones by increasing bone strength and density. You can do […]
By Zoey Sky
Versatile melatonin: More than just improving sleep, this hormone can protect against Alzheimer’s, reduce anxiety, and more
If you’ve had trouble sleeping because of stress or other factors, the natural hormone melatonin can help promote “deep, restful sleep” that is crucial to your physical and emotional well-being. Aside from its use in treating sleeping disorders, research has proven that the sleep hormone can also minimize anxiety, soothe heartburn, relieve migraines, prevent Alzheimer’s disease, and […]
By Zoey Sky
The best way to boost the health benefits of cocoa beans lies in how you roast them
Several studies have already determined that chocolate offers various health benefits, but according to researchers from Penn State University (PSU), roasting cocoa beans for a specific length of time and at a certain temperature can both “preserve and even boost the potency of some bioactive and antioxidant compounds while protecting desired sensory aspects of chocolate.” […]
By Zoey Sky
Here’s why you should start snacking on almonds every day
Like other nuts, almonds are the perfect energy boosters. Almonds are nutritious, and they contain at least 130 different compounds that are good for you. The health benefits of almonds Almonds contain both mono- and polyunsaturated fat, but these are the “good” kinds of fats that can boost your heart health. Below are the nutrition stats […]
By Zoey Sky
A bowl of curry a day can keep your heart healthy – Nutrition Journal study
If you want to improve your heart health, consider eating at least one bowl of curry every day. According to a study published in Nutrition Journal, one culinary serving of curry made with various spices can help dilate the arteries and “[prevent] the cardiovascular harms associated with eating common foods.” Aside from enhancing the flavor of various dishes, […]
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