By Isabelle Z.
Mental health issues are often the result of a nutritional deficiency; treating them with prescription drugs can further compromise your well-being
Are you or someone you know experiencing a mental health issue? With one out of every four Americans expected to experience a mental health condition during their lifetime, there is a good chance your life will be touched by mental illness. Why are so many people experiencing serious mental problems these days? According to Professor […]
By Rhonda Johansson
Eating processed sugar found to cause depression… but magnesium reverses it
Men are 23 percent more likely to develop depression or anxiety if their diet consists of a lot of high-sugar food such as soft drinks and desserts. Researchers at the University College London are stating conclusively that diet impacts mental health, and that high-sugar food can contribute to an increased risk of a mood disorder. […]
By Isabelle Z.
Magnesium to make depression drugs obsolete? New science finds magnesium safer, more affordable and more effective than SSRIs
More than 350 million people on our planet suffer from depression, and it also has a profound effect on their loved ones. One of the most popular treatments, SSRI antidepressants, is risky, expensive, and not terribly effective. This has prompted some scientists to look for alternatives, and it appears they may have found a good […]
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